Friday, May 7, 2010


To say today is a perfect spring day is an understatement. Perfect breeze, perfect temperature, even the sky is the most perfect shade of blue. Shane, my mom, and I enjoyed a nice walk around our neighborhood. It's days like today I don't feel so depressed. There, I said it, depressed. I wouldn't necessarily consider this to be an everyday occurrence because usually I'm my chipper self. I had my good days and bad days. Days where I would give anything to have him home enjoying watching our son play and grow. Today, I was just thankful. Thankful to be alive, thankful for life's many blessings, and thankful that even though he's thousands of miles away I have a man who loves his family.

And just to make your mouth water a litte:

My mom bought the Perfect Brownie Pan and I've been meaning to send Matt and his guys some home cookin'. I don't even like brownies and these came out perfect. So enjoy when you get them guys!

Much love.

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